Academic Papers

Selected unpublished papers (in reverse chronological order)



Princeton University

School of Public and International Affairs (SPIA)

Princeton, NJ, USA



Privatization in Central Europe:
Hungary, Poland, and the CSFR

International Economic Policy
Prof. Paul Volcker
Course # WWS 582a

May 1992, 22 pages




The Global Service Economy: 

North-South Negotiations on Trade in Services in the Uruguay Round

Relations between Industrialized and Developing Countries
Prof. Jeffrey Herbst
Course # WWS 552

May 1992, 32 pages



Leapfrogging into the Information Age: 

Computers and Communications for African Developing Countries
Science, Technology and Public Policy
Prof. Charles Weiss
Course # WWS 588

January 1992, 26 pages




Post-Europe 1992 Prospects for Cooperation in a Trilateral World Model

International Relations
Prof. Michael Doyle
Course # WWS 541

January 1992, 18 pages




The Decline of America in International Relations
– Theory and Practice

Relations Among Advanced Industrialized Spocieties
Prof. John Ikenberry
Course # WWS 551

May 1991, 19 pages





Egypt Country Report

Macroeconomic Analysis – Advanced
Prof. Glenn Donaldson
Course # WWS 512c

May 1991, 5 pages





In Whose Interest?
An Evaluation of Three Development Projects in Africa

Project Management in Developing Countries
Prof. Samuel Paul
Course # WWS 592a

January 1991, 21 pages





Johns Hopkins University
School of Advanced International Studies
Bologna, Italy





Adapting to Technological Change: 
The Influence of Technological Change on International Organizations with an Emphasis on GATT, INTELSAT, and the ITU

Issues in International Organization
Prof. Georges Delcoigne

December 1990, 19 pages




Spanning Time and SpaceSpanning Time and Space:
A Brief Review of the Role of Telematics
and of the Arab Middle East
for the Functioning of the 24-Hour Global Financial Markets

International Financial Markets
Prof. J. A. Kregel

December 1990, 24 pages



Deregulation of Telecommunications in Western Europe
Divergent Policies in a Convergent Environment:
The Experience in Britain, France, and the Federal Republic of Germany

The Political Economy of Western Europe
Prof. David Soskice

November 1990, 29 pages




The Role of the Financial System
for the Industrial Development of Italy since 1861

Origins of Contemporary Italy
Prof. Adrian Lyttelton

May 1990, 34 pages






“Outward-Looking” Development Policies:
Necessary, but not Sufficient

Problems of Economic Development
Prof. Riccardo Faini

February 1990, 17 pages







Television without Frontiers:
Between Culture and Commerce

An Examination of the Dispute Arising Within the EC and Between the EC and the USA Due to the Imposition of a Quota Regulating Programming Content of Television Broadcasts in Article 4 of Council Directive No. 89/552/EC of 3 Oct. 89
International Trade and EEC Law
Prof. Paolo Mengozzi

January 1990, 36 pages




GATT, Lomé and 1992

The Relations Between the EC and ACP Countries – Historical Continuity in a Period of Change
Western Europe and the Third World
Dr. Christopher Stevens

January 1990, 62 pages





The European Communities’ “Global Mediterranean Policy”

The Politics of West European Integration
Dr. Reinhardt Rummel

November 1989, 17 pages





Georgetown University

School of Foreign Service (SFS)

Washington, DC, USA





The Challenge of 1992
Telecommunications in Europe

International Communications
Prof. Wilson Dizard

May 1989, 35 pages






Freie Universität Berlin

Business & Economics

Berlin, Germany


Brauchen wir eine Krise?
Do we need a crisis?

Krisenmanagement oder “Kooperatives Szenario” der internationalen Währungspolitik
Crisis management or cooperative scenario in international monetary politics

Weltwirtschaftliches Seminar: Aktuelle Probleme des internationalen Währungssystems
World economics seminar: current problems of the international monetary system
Prof. Dr. D. Lorenz

July 1988, 29 pages


Political Science
Politische Wissenschaft


Die Wirtschaftspolitik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Großbritanniens im Vergleich
Comparison of the economic policies of the Federal Republic of Germany and Great Britain

Innenpolitik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland:
Die politischen Systeme der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Großbritanniens im Vergleich 
Domestic politics of the Federal Republic of Germany:
Comparison of the political systems of the Federal Republic of Germany and Great Britain
Dr. Wolfgang Rüdig

August 1988, 28 pages