December 23, 2012

U.S. Engagement at the World Conference on International Telecommunications | U.S. Department of State Blog

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The recently completed World Conference on International Telecommunications, WCIT, demonstrated that there is not yet a global consensus on certain fundamental issues concerning the telecom and Internet sectors.

Peter H. Hellmonds‘s insight:

U.S. Ambassador Philip Verveer explains in official State Dept blog why the U.S. did not sign the #ITRs at #WCIT12 in Dubai. #ITU #WCIT 

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December 14, 2012

U.S. refuses to back U.N. treaty #ITU #ITRs #WCIT12 #WCIT #IGF #Internet

See on Scoop.itInformation Society

American delegation to meeting in Dubai rejected last-minute restrictions inserted in text by UAE.

Peter H. Hellmonds‘s insight:

There is a large rift between countries who want the Internet to come under the rules of the International Telecommunications Regulations (ITRs), which are being updated for the first time since 1988, and those who want to keep the Internet free from those rules. As the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT12), where the negotiations are taking place, is nearing its end, the rift becomes ever more transparent.

“It is clear that the world community is at a crossroads in its collective view of the Internet,” Kramer, the US ambassador to WCIT said.


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